#TOTD: “Good things come to those who wait.

I disagree with the saying “Good things come to those who wait.”

Good things DON’T come to those who sit on their ass twidling their thumbs, waiting for good things to just magically appear.

Good things come to those who pray about their situation.

Good things come to those that hustle and work their ass off to make things happen.

You can’t sit on your ass wishing you had your dream job. You go to school, make connections, research, pray, do what you have to do to get where you need to be. Who cares if you might be tired from working two jobs and going to school? Who cares if you can’t go to that concert or party because you had to study? You do you, for you. The harder you work for yourself, the better you will do for yourself in the future.

I finally got what I have been praying and working for. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but you’re not going to hear me complaining one bit, because God answered some prayers for me. And I understand to get where I want to be, I might have to start at the very bottom, but you bet your ass I’ll be at the top eventually. I’m going to work until I’m dog tired, because I’m going to get what I want.

So yeah, another #TOTD.

Do what you have to do, for you. Because at the end of the day, the only person that is going to truly be there for you, is YOU.